here we
are not a winner not a loser neither
rich nor poor I am just a dreamer
chasing something more oh I’m on my way
till I find what I’m searching for only
thing I know is that I’m so
unsure I think I’m jaded I let life get
to my head I stop complaining I’ll
overthink it instead this game is
draining so tell me when does it
end oh
and hot and cold is getting all and
nothing left this
one hide L it’s know I don’t know what I
want not a winner not a loser neither
rich nor poor
I am just a dreamer chasing something
more oh I’m on my way till I find what
I’m searching for only I know is that
I’m so
unsure I’m doing good but not really
doing that bad no I’m not happy but I’m
not really that sad and if I’m honest
yeah I’ll admit I’m a mess I’m a
man hot and cold is getting old and
nothing left is
fun Hi l with yes and no I don’t know
what I want
not a winner not a loser neither rich
nor poor I am just a dreamer chasing
something more oh I’m on my way till I
find what I’m searching for only thing I
know is that I’m so unsure
w we did it