not really I’m not really an emotional person um but when I was doing radio out there you know sitting on the scores table uh got the game ball through it the dowlo there was a there was a quick second where I thought I might tear up and no that doesn’t happen a lot uh but it’s it’s it’s Christmas like I said out there I know my parents are back I’m watching I know my brother’s probably up in Germany right now it’s probably 4 in the morning whatever over there and I know he’s up watching um you know with his wife I know you know all my people back home are are locked in and you know sitting around with family watching the game and you know that means a lot to me uh you know I say it all the time I not necessarily supposed to be in this position you know I got lucky got my foot in the door and took advantage of an opportunity and um you know now I’m sitting here like you said on Christmas with a gamewinner and a triple double and uh really the win that that matters the most to me