we are doing everything in our power to try and become one of the most trusted companies in the world we don’t allow children under the age of 13 on our platform and we we restrict the features available to members of our community who are under 17 years old now they can still have fun but the experience on our platform looks very different for mine or yours among other things they cannot live stream on our platform their screen time is limited and the content that they create cannot be served as a recommendation to the global Tik Tok Community we establish these guidelines with the help of Child Development experts and we’re also empowering parents to decide what is appropriate for their own teenagers allowing them to add additional limits or monitoring we work really hard to provide a safe online experience for all our users by keeping inappropriate content of our platform content created the misinform and the manipulate the form and hate and rage the hurt and the harm these kind of content has no place on our platform no place in our community and we actively and aggressively combat it in all forms