The Little
Prince chapter
1 once when I was six I saw a
magnificent picture in a book about the
jungle called true
stories it show a boa constrictor
swallowing a wild
beast here is a copy of the
picture in the book is said boa
constrictors swallowed their prey home
chewing afterward they’re no longer able
to move and they sleep during the six
months of their
digestion in those days I thought a lot
about jungle adventures and eventually
managed to make my first drawing using a
pencil my drawing number one looked like
this I show the grownups my masterpiece
and I asked them if my drawing scared
them they answer why be scared of a
hat my drawing was not a picture of a
hat it was a picture of a boa
constrictor digesting an
elephant then I drew the inside of the
boa constrictor so the grown-ups could
understand they always need
explanations my drawing number two was
this the grownups advis me to put away
my drawings of boa constrictors outside
or inside and apply myself instead to
geography history arithmetic and
grammar that is why I abandoned at the
age of six a magnificent career as an
artist I had been discouraged by the
failure of my drawing number one one and
of my drawing number
two grownups never understand anything
themselves and it is exhausting for
children to have to provide explanations
over and over
again so then I had to choose another
career and I learned to pilot
airplanes I have flown almost everywhere
in the world and as a matter of fact
geography y has been a big help to
me I could tell China from Arizona at
glance which is very useful if you get
lost during the
night so I have had in the course of my
life lots of encounters with lots of
people I have spent lots of time with
grownups I have seen them at close range
which hasn’t much improved my opinion of
them whenever I encounter a grownup who
seemed to me at all
enlightened I would experiment on him
with my drawing number one which I have
kept I wanted to see if he really
anything but he would always answer
that’s a
hat then I wouldn’t talk about boa
constrictors or jungles or
Stars I would put myself on his level
and talk about bridge and golf and
politics and neck
ties and my grownup was glad to know
such a reasonable
person chapter 2
so I live all alone without anyone I
could really talk to until I had to make
a crash landing in the Sahara Desert 6
ago something in my plane’s engine had
broken and since I had neither a
mechanic nor passengers in the plane
with me I Was preparing to undertake the
difficult repair job by
myself for me it was a matter of life or
for death I had only enough drinking
water for 8
Days the first night then I went to
sleep on the sand a thousand miles from
any inhabited
country I was more isolated than a man
Shipwrecked on a raft in the middle of
the ocean so you can imagine my surprise
when I was awakened at Daybreak by a
funny little voice saying please draw me
a sheep
what draw me a