this is probably the best thing you’ve ever ever brought over the fence I really want to win that’s why we originally built this house and her parents build a house next to us and we met when we just had concrete slabs they had Harper and Harper was so scared of us like she would not talk to us not say a word and the way that she found this confidence was through the fence and it was just incredible because we never heard her speak like this to us so that’s why we found it so entertaining is this four-year-old girl so sassy [Music] hey Harper hey random why you going to sort your life out when am I going to sort my life out we did that all in good nature and she bite back and we’re just having little petty arguments and people were just so entertained by it I’m really good at changing the peo nappies oh of course you are I am I babe tell her how good I am at changing [Music] P She gave us these brownies on the fence and we ate them we’re like oh yeah and she goes I’m going to challenge do a bake off I didn’t think nothing of it and then a week later she just gamy ass to come outside she had this cheesecake that she threw a big rope over the fence and um we pulled it over oh my God yum like we didn’t think it was going to be a series or like people cared about it I posted it what you Reon didn’t make any ice cream so didn’t make ice cream you said cheesecake it’s just I think you won half no competition is that official yeah wait half a wins half a one yeah girl I never thought it would go so viral and people be so interested in it but it’s amazing how content can just bring people together Harper actually can’t listen to all our songs cuz sometimes we swear in them so she tells us to stop making songs with swear words and I said okay Harper um what song should we make she goes what about a song about me and Harper always says yeah whatever whatever mate yeah whatever so I said to Jordan one day we got to make a song called yeah whatever and it’s probably our biggest song of all time it joy and smiles to people’s faces and that’s the main thing and Harper loves it too she knows how famous she is it’s cool just watching this Harper from 4 years old to S three years just grow up in front of the world [Music]