thing he’s right about Hope sucks it’s so like it’s like do they tell you that it is better to have loved and lost and never to have loved at all that’s just something they tell you to make you feel better because your your heart is broken you know it’s like when they tell you it’s good luck if it rains on your wedding day it’s not good luck if it rains on your wedding day it’s the very definition of bad luck if it rains on your wedding day they just tell you that so you don’t feel quite as bad holding an umbrella while you’re saying I do on your wedding day the point that I’m making is it was much more fun when we had no hope having hope and it leads to having your heartbroken this is not fun if you’re wondering if I’m having fun right now I’m not having fun I was not wondering this is a therapista right serious the good thing can we get me something I need you know all right all right come on let’s move on