Britain’s Parliament voted in favor of a new bill to legalize a sister dying on Friday the eyes to the right 330 the nose still left 275 the eyes of it the eyes of it Al the vote opens the way for months of further debate over an issue that has sparked a national Conversation Over dignity in death and end of Life Care here is labor lawmaker Keem lad beer look we’ve shown parliament in its best life today very respectful very compassionate debate irrespective of the different views that people hold we take the bill to the next stage now we continue the process and it will be a very thorough process the bill would provide mentally competent terminally ill adults in England and Wales who are recessed by doctors to have six month or less left to live the right to choose to end their lives with medical help as it makes its way through both the House of Commons and the House of Lords it could still be changed or even voted down I than those in favor of the bill say it is about shortening the death of those were terminally ill and giving them more control but opponents say vulnerable ill people may feel they should end their lives for fear of being a burden to their families and Society rather than prioritizing their own well-being others expressed concern that there had not been enough time to consider the bill before voting people in favor of assisted dying who had gathered in groups outside Parliament hugged and cheered after the result of the vote was announced if the law comes in quickly enough yeah it’ll give me a bit of insurance in my pocket in case things go A bit squiffy um there are a lot of people who it’s going to help hopefully I’ll be one of them there are so many people out there that have a hope that they may not have to suffer the way that so many loved ones have suffer in the P the bill would change the law in England and Wales as to the other countries in the United Kingdom Scotland is considering a change to its own law to allow a sister dying but there are no such proposals in Northern Ireland