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Kevin Stratvert

CapCut Video Editing Tutorial for Beginners (2024)


This video will teach you everything you need to know to make videos in CapCut, even if you’ve never opened the app ever. I’ll show you all the essential need-to-know stuff to get you up and running as soon as possible. The very first thing you got to do is click this link so that you can get the media files and follow along. We’ll be using this media to create a quick cooking video for social media. So, if you haven’t already, make sure to download and install CapCut, download and unzip the media because by the end of this video, you’ll be able to make your own amazing videos inside of CapCut. Going to be so much fun. Let’s go. So, the very first thing you’re going to see in CapCut is this little splash screen. And there are quite a few things here. You can open some templates, you can do all kinds of things, but really what we need to do is just create a new project. And this big pretty button up here, if we click that once, that’s going to open up a new project here in CapCut. And there are really four main areas of the interface. This panel has a bunch of different uses, but its primary job is kind of just getting stuff to put in your project, whether it’s importing video, audio, grabbing text, graphics, finding effects, either bringing things in that exist or making new things that kind of happens here. This panel here is our player. This is where we see our video previews and can actually watch the video that we’re making. Over here, we have the details panel. And this is usually where you look at the properties of whatever you have selected, or you can change the controls of whatever you’re adjusting. All of that kind of happens here. And then down here, this part, this is the timeline. The timeline is where you do most of your work when you’re actually building a video. This is where you put all the pieces together for your video in a sequence to build a story. That’s really all you need to know about the interface for now. Let’s go ahead and bring in some video to start working with. To import media, you can go over here to this import button right here and click this little teal plus, and then you navigate to whatever media you want to import into CapCut. I’m going to go ahead and navigate to the files that are available down in the description, some clips for a video about how to make cookies, and we’ll hit open. And that’s going to bring this up here in the import panel. And what we just did was bring this footage into CapCut to tell it to be ready to use it. We haven’t actually built any kind of video yet. We’re kind of just getting the pieces together. And so, let’s grab one of these pieces and just look at it. I can just double click on any piece of media, and over here in this center panel, we’ll have a little preview. I can hit the space bar to play this back. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. And I can play this back and see if I like it. Now, if we like this clip, if we want to add it to our video, we go over here to the media panel and we can click on this plus button that’s labeled add to track, and then that will throw that down here into the timeline. So again, the timeline, this is where we build our story. This is where we put our clips in order and we adjust how long and short they are, what parts of the clips we want to use, how many of them we show, where they go in relation to each other, all of that to build a story down here in the timeline. And this is the actual video that we’re making. So, if I click down here and then hit the space bar, here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. It looks exactly the same as what we just did, but the difference is what we’re doing is we’re playing back the actual video that we’re making instead of just the piece that we haven’t added to our video yet. So, to make this ridiculously clear, we can click on this clip number two, and that’ll start to play back. And that looks great. But this isn’t added to our video yet. This is just kind of sitting on our hard drive and we’ve told CapCut where it lives and that it can play it back. To actually add this to the video, we have to hit this plus button, and then that will throw that clip to the right of this clip. So now we have two clips in our video. We have the first one, the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. And the second one. But even before we get into that, I’m going to select this clip and just hit backspace on the keyboard and that’s going to get rid of it. Because I want to talk a little bit more about how we work with clips down here in the timeline. This is an essential thing. When you shoot clips, they’re not necessarily going to be in the right order. And you also probably won’t want to use the entirety of the clip. For instance, if we take our playhead, we move this back, we can go to the beginning of our video here. And as I hit the spacebar, we have just about a second of Kevin just kind of staring at the camera awkwardly. And so, it would actually be best to cut that out, especially if we’re making this for social media, we’re making things for a little bit shorter attention spans. And so, if we want to cut this part out, we can do this in a couple ways. One way is we can mouse over the edge of this and you’ll see how my cursor turns into this little bracket with arrows. And if I click down on this, and then I pull this to the right, we’re actually cutting off the time here. And then when I let go, the whole clip moves down to the left. So now when we drag our playhead all the way to the left and hit spacebar, here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies. He starts right away. And we’re going to do a similar thing for the end. Watch this. Watch what happens at the very end in just 60 seconds. Then he’s awkwardly standing there and he kind of turns off the camera. So, we want to chop off the end of this. And there’s a little clue here. It’s a little bit hard to see, but there’s these little bumps here. This is a visual way to see the volume of our sound in our clip. In fact, if I right click on this and I go down to extract audio, that will take the sound out of and make it its own audio clip. And so, we actually have two clips here in the timeline and they’re meant to be together. But I do that right now because it’s a little bit easier to see how we have these bumps this is called the waveform. And what I can do is I can select both of these and I can grab the edge here and I can trim this to where that sound kind of stops and gets quiet. And that’s a good way to trim your clips is kind of just trim it to where the people are talking. Right. So now in just 60 seconds. So as soon as he’s done talking, we’re done. But I don’t think I need to break out this audio right now. So, I’m just going to actually hit undo a couple of times. Now undo is right up here. So, you can click that a couple of times to undo what you’ve done. You can also hit control Z on the keyboard. So, I’ll just hit control Z a couple of times. And that’s going to put that audio back in. It’s going to go back in time. And now I’m just going to look at this little waveform here and just trim this back to about there. Okay. It’s nice if you don’t have to break out the audio to leave it here with the video, especially if somebody’s talking. That’s a little bit easier. So now we have our first clip and we can go through and add the other clips to our timeline. So, let’s just click on our other clips here. And I think that’s going to work really well. And I can continue to either drag these down to the timeline like this or hit the plus button to add it to the end of the timeline. And I could grab the edge and trim these clips. And as I trim this, it’s going to show me the first frame of the clip I’m trimming here. And so, let’s maybe just pick right about there. And play this back. We’ll stop it right about there. All right. And so now we have a shorter clip. And that looks really nice. Now I can keep adding clips to the timeline and then trimming them, but I can also trim them a little bit before I add them to the timeline. For instance, let’s play back this clip three. There we have the butter coming in, but I can also grab the little edges of this teal blue box and I can trim the edges of this clip here in this box. And so, let’s just trim this to where that butter is almost coming into the screen. And then let’s trim the out a little bit. So, I have this trimmed a little bit. Now I can hit plus and the trimmed clip will be thrown into the timeline and I don’t have to trim it down here. There’s really no right or wrong answer. It’s not that big a deal. You can always untrim it down here in the timeline. It’s not destroying anything, but depending on what you like to do, you might want to do one or the other. If you do like trimming here before you add in the timeline, something that might make this a little easier is this icon here. If we click on this, this is our view options to view as a grid or a list. So, let’s go down to list and we can see the thumbnails kind of laid out here in time. And so, let’s select clip four and we have the butter here and we’re putting our sugar in. And so, it’s a little bit easier to trim when something’s long like this. So, I can take the edge of this and trim this to where we want. Let’s say I just want the sugar here. We can trim this to the sugar just about coming in. And maybe I want to end it right there. Then again, I can hit the plus or I can drag this down. I’ll just hit the plus for now. And now we have our next clip. That works great. One more little shortcut with trimming clips. If you want to move quickly when you’re editing your videos, it’s really important to learn a couple of shortcuts. We already learned control Z to undo, which is probably the most important shortcut, but a couple others that you really need to know are to split a clip. That just cuts a clip wherever the play head is. And so, let’s say we want to cut the clip right here. I can hit control B. And that’s going to split this clip into two clips, just like we were to drag it down and then trim it and then drag another one down and trim it and have those perfectly line up together. We’re just cutting this clip right there. We can either get rid of one of these clips or we can trim it and cut out some time. So, it just cuts to later. Kind of depends on whatever you’re doing. I’ll just hit control Z a couple of times. The other thing we can do if we know we’re going to get rid of the last half of this clip, we can take this play head and kind of scrub through the footage until we want this clip to end. And instead of grabbing the edge of this and trimming it down, we can just cut the end off of this by hitting W on the keyboard. If you hit W, it just trims the end off of it. And the same thing happens with the beginning. If we want to trim the beginning with Q, just like that. So, it’s really, really quick to be able to grab a clip. And let’s just add this one to the timeline and I can grab my play head and move this around and I can find out where I want this clip to start. So maybe there and I can hit Q and that’ll trim the front. And then let’s say I want it to end there. I can hit W to trim the back. And so, it’s a lot easier with your hands on Q and W to go through and just trim your footage. And so, what I would recommend doing if you’re going to be making a video is go through and add all of your footage that you want for your video and go through and just roughly trim it. It’s probably going to be too long. When you watch it back, it’s probably going to feel slow. It’s probably going to be kind of boring. But a lot of the time, a great first step when making a video is putting all of your clips down in the timeline and roughly trimming them to where you think you might want to use. So right now, if you haven’t done so, I’d recommend downloading this footage. All you have to do is click the top link in the description and you can download it onto your computer, load it up into CapCut. And I would go through and maybe just put these down in order for now, grab a clip, drag it down, scrub through it and find the interesting parts. So here we have breaking the eggs. Let’s just go ahead and cut this. And pretty much anytime something’s moving on the screen, you could probably keep that. Let’s go ahead and split it there. Control B. And then there’s going to be some parts that we don’t really need to see. So, all of this we don’t really need to see. Doesn’t matter. We can zoom out on our timeline by hitting this little zoom out button or you can hit control minus. Just zoom out a little bit and we’ll just scrub through here until something happens. So right when he’s mixing, let’s just start right when he’s mixing. And since we already split this clip, we can either trim it all the way up here or we can hit Q. That’ll get rid of that part that we don’t like. And we’ll just cut right there to mixing. And we can kind of just go through and find the interesting parts. Maybe here where he’s dumping that vanilla hit Q. I’m going to split this clip after it stops being interesting. Control B and go through here and right when he’s mixing, hit Q when it stops being interesting or when I feel like I’ve had enough. Control B. And when it is interesting again, pouring this flower in, we’ll hit Q. And so, what we’re doing is we’re making these interesting clips one after another. So that we can see all the steps that are happening in our recipe. Mixing the flower, control B, putting in the baking soda. Start that, trim that front off with Q. Control B after it stops being interesting. Q when it starts being interesting again. Control B when it stops. This is interesting. Let’s hit Q. Very nice. Control B. Q. It’s interesting again. Let’s just cut to later control B. There we go. And we’ll just cut all this stuff out Q. And we’ll have kind of the ending and mixing that. Okay. And we’ll cut off the end of this with W. So, pause the video here, go through and do this on your own and come back when you have all of the media laid out here in order. Just the interesting parts. We’re going to speed up the video of me doing that so you don’t have to watch it all in real time. Okay, so now we have all of our footage just thrown here in the timeline and it’s just in the rough order that we shot it. In this case, it’s about the right order, but that’s not necessarily always going to be the case. You won’t always shoot everything in order. Something like a recipe kind of tends to be in order because you have to, but you know, there’s nothing stopping us from putting some of this footage at the beginning to kind of preview what we’re making. And the cool thing is that we are in control of the story here down in the timeline. So, we can make anything happen that we want. We can completely skip a step and then have people’s cookies be ruined. That’ll be great. We can show a little bit of stirring or a lot of stirring. We could cut out this part of the Ghirardelli chocolate chips. Don’t want to give any sponsor love, you know, if we don’t need to. We could choose to skip this part of putting them on the pan. That’s the thing that’s so exciting about video editing is you’re in control the entire time of whatever you want your story to be. Now you may have noticed going through the clips that some of these have this background noise that’s not super. For instance, clip 14. We don’t really want that in our video. So, what do we do about that? Well, if we click this clip. Stuff in this panel changes. We get a whole bunch of little do hickies to play with here. And that’s because anything that we select down here kind of gets loaded into this panel. And so, if you want to adjust the properties of something, you select it down here in the timeline. And then all of the properties can have come up here in the details panel. So, with this clip 14 selected, we can go over here to where it says audio and click on that. And we have all kinds of controls for our audio properties, including volume. So, we could take this volume slider, and just take that all the way down. And now listen. Oh, beautiful silence. So good. But it’s still there for this clip. So how do we do that? Well, we can do the same thing. Select it and we’ll see that the volume has gone all the way back to zero. That’s because we have a new clip here. You take this and bring it all the way back down. And now we have silence in both of these clips. The other thing you can do, I’ll hit control Z a couple of times is down here in the timeline, there’s this little tiny line. It’s kind of hard to see, but when you mouse over it just right, your cursor will turn into this double arrow and you can grab this line and move it up or down. And this is a quick way to adjust the volume. So, I could take this and just swipe it down like that. Same thing here. Take this and swipe it down. Same thing here for Kevin eating the cookie. Just swipe it down. So, it’s real easy to get rid of that nasty background noise. Now it does feel a little bit awkward when these are totally quiet. So, we’ll put some music in this in just a little bit. But for now, let’s explore this details panel a little bit. Just select any clip here. I’ll select clip seven. And if we go back over here to video, we’ll see we have a ton of different little properties here. We have basic transform properties, things like scale, so we can kind of push this up or down, make it bigger or smaller on the screen. We can also grab this and rotate it like that. We can type in a position here. So, I don’t know, maybe 500. And a lot of these transform controls I can actually do by just grabbing on screen here can rotate and scale and all of those things if I want to. And it’ll even snap to the corners, which is really nice. It’ll snap to the middle and all of that. But not only do I have the transform controls, but I also have blend controls, so this is like how transparent something is. Now, if we only have black behind it, it’s just going to kind of fade it out. But if we were to do something crazy, like take one of these clips and bring it up like this, we can bring it into a new track. And so, this is how we can have multiple different layers of media here on the timeline. So, I could take this layer and take the opacity down and look what happens. Oh, we get some of those fancy, dreamy kind of vibes. I’ll just hit control Z a couple of times to get rid of that. But there are a whole bunch of different options here. You can stabilize clips if they’re shaky. If you have the pro version of CapCut, there are ways to enhance an image and denoise it and reframe it and do all kinds of crazy stuff. But for basic stuff, a lot of the time you’re just going to be moving things and scaling them and everything. And you can do that in the free version of CapCut, no problem. And that’s where it happens. This is also where you do some fancy things like removing backgrounds and all kinds of stuff. So, if I select this first clip, we go over here to remove BG. Check this out. If I check this auto removal button, what happens? It actually cuts Kevin out from the background, which is pretty crazy. And it’s not perfect. There’s little things around his ears and under his arms and stuff like that, but it does a pretty good job. And so, if you’re looking for a quick way to add some crazy effects or put him on a different background or anything like that, that’s how you do it. You just go over to remove background and just click auto removal. You can even add a stroke and bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. And you definitely get that kind of tick tocky social media vibe from that. Even a dotted stroke. Here’s how you can bake the. And depending on what you’re doing, that might be appropriate or not. We’ll just take that off for now because I like the kitchen background. I think it works great. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You know what I mean? The next tab over, you can adjust masks. Now this is cool if you want to kind of crop your image. So, let’s just add circle. And what that’ll do is just make a circle and show the clip that we have selected only within that circle. And I can grab the edges of this and make this bigger, smaller. I can grab the middle and move this around. I can grab this little arrow and feather the mask. That just makes it softer, kind of blurrier. You can rotate the mask, which doesn’t really make sense for a circle. But if I made it like this, it would. There we go. So, we could just apply this with a mask if we want to. If I want to reset things, I can always go up to the upper right-hand corner of pretty much anything I’m adjusting and click this little circle arrow. And that’s going to reset everything. Right. And so, if we want to, you know, do a love letter for Kevin, well, hey, look at this. We can make a little heart cut out, rotate that and just be, and that’ll just be beautiful. You know, you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just. All right. Let’s not. There are also ways that you can retouch people’s faces, reshape their faces and do all of those terrifying things that we can do now digitally. And this is just one tab when you have something selected here in the timeline. That’s just the stuff you can do with video. There’s also adjustments you can make with audio. So, if you’re looking to enhance your audio, that’s a great place to do it. You can even change his voice. This is crazy. You can go to voice changer and change his voice. So, let’s just pick synth. Oh boy. Terrifying. Let’s just go back to original, shall we? We can even change his voice to be a totally different person, which is crazy. So, let’s just switch this to good guy and it’ll take just a second. And then when we play this back, here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Crazy, right? In fact, I’ll show you a little trick here in just a minute. We’ll go back to original for now. This third tab over is speed. This is how you make things faster or slower. You can adjust the animation of your clips. So, if you want to have sort of a transition, let’s just switch to this one. We can have this swing in from the left and kind of have that little animation coming in. Let’s find one we can see a little better. This clip right here. Let’s have this swing into the left. So now we have this little wish transition, which is pretty cool depending on the feeling of your video. Sometimes that might be appropriate and sometimes maybe not, you know, not everything has to look like an action movie. You know what I mean? Although cookies are pretty exciting. Switch that back to none. You can set an in animation, an out animation, or even a combo. So, this is kind of a mix. So, let’s just say Bend zoom. That does all kinds of crazy stuff. It might be exactly what you want or it might be really distracting. So, you can spend hours playing with these and I’m not going to fall into the whole of doing that again, not after last time. This fifth tab over is the adjustment tab, and this is really powerful. This lets you do color correction adjustments and everything that you need for your clips. So, if we have this cookie footage, if I push this temperature up, I can make the colors feel warmer, you know, more yellowish orange. Can adjust the tint to be more green or more pink. I can adjust the saturation and make those cookies really pop if I want to. Again, I can always reset things with the circle arrow. That’ll reset everything. I can adjust the exposure, the contrast, and I can double click on any of these controls to reset them, so I can push this contrast up, double click on contrast to reset it. And so, these are all your color controls. And if you want to learn more about color correction in CapCut, leave me a comment down below and I’ll make a color correction in CapCut video. Because I would love to get into that. That’d be real nice. But we have our basic color correction sliders as well as some more advanced controls here, which would be really fun to get into. But there are a lot of opportunities here within CapCut to really adjust your colors and make them look nice. So, we’ll go through and adjust the details kind of as we go. But for now, we need some kind of voiceover to drive this. It’s always nice to have some kind of voiceover with a how-to video and you have a couple options. One is you can record one while you’re filming, which is a nice way to do it. You can record one after you’re filming or you can generate one. Now in CapCut, you can generate a voiceover using text to speech. And here’s how that works. So, if we go up here to the upper left, we haven’t really spent a whole lot of time in this panel yet other than importing our footage, but we have all these other icons up here. And other than the import tab, most of these are ways to either generate or search for existing assets for our video. So, if we go over to text, we have a bunch of different options, but the easiest thing is just to take this default text and drag this down into our timeline. What that’ll do is make a little clip here that says default text. And you can move this around just like a clip. You can trim it just like a clip, make it longer, shorter, whatever you want. But wherever this is, that’s where the text is going to appear on our video. And so, as we play this back, we have the text showing up. With the text selected here, we can adjust properties over here in the details panel. And so, let’s just make this kind of yellow. Let’s pick a different font. How about Rubik? That’s nice. And I’m just going to throw this down here and align it to the middle like this default text. And let’s just call this how to make cookies. We can change this later, whatever we want to do. And let’s put this at the beginning of our video. Just grab this and bring it to the left. Just so the very first thing that we see in the video is how to make cookies, right? You can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. So, but let’s actually make some text to generate voiceover. If I hold alt, I can grab this and drag it. And what that’ll do is make a copy. And that works for pretty much anything here in the timeline. I can hold alt and click and drag any clip and it’ll duplicate it. Okay. So that’s a quick way to do that. So, I’m just going to duplicate that not because I want to say how to make cookies again, but because I want to use the same style and everything here and just change the text. So, let’s call this a gather your ingredients. Okay. Maybe we want to make this a little bigger. Maybe we’ll add a return here, gather your ingredients. Yay. Okay. So now, gather your ingredients. By the way, we want this edit to be right on that edge. We’re going to make sure that this clip ends exactly where this other clip ends. And this clip starts exactly where this other clip starts. Something that can make this easier is to turn on snapping. So over here in the upper right of our timeline, we can click this little icon, turn on auto snapping. You can also hit N on the keyboard. And what that’ll do is let us just kind of snap to the edge of things. You see that little blue line that pops up. That’ll help us just kind of align things a little easier. Gather your ingredients, take the audio down on this clip. And I’m also going to trim this text to be right here, just on top of this clip. So, we have gather your ingredients. Great. And anytime that we have text here, we can generate a voiceover with it by selecting it and going up here to the details panel. And we have all kinds of other options that are specific to this text effect, but we can switch over to text to speech and check this out. And let’s just pick a voice here. It’s just select good guy. Gather your ingredients. But as you’ll notice, this is genuinely terrible. So bad. And so, you can just have this generate some audio from this. If I select the voice and then go over here and hit start reading, that will create audio here as its own clip. Gather your ingredients. Why would, why is there, why is there a pause? And so, when you generate this, it could work okay. You could select this and hit control B and we can kind of trim out this weird pause, gather your ingredients. And you know, it’s all right. So, you know, you could go down this path, but it is a dark path. I would not recommend it if you want your videos to actually be decent. Now, if you do want to use the voice, but you wanted to read it like in a way that makes any sense, what you could do is record a real human’s voice saying these things and just switch out the voice for this AI voice. And I know that sounds crazy, but check this out. I have a USB microphone that I’m going to plug into my computer here. And once I have that plugged in, I can go right here to this little microphone icon. And if I click that, that will bring up my voiceover panel. Here’s where you can select your microphone. Make sure that you select your right microphone and not something on your webcam or something horrible. If you’re going to do any kind of voiceover for your videos, make sure to get a decent microphone. You can just Google best USB microphone and you’ll have all kinds of suggestions. And I would recommend you click mute project so that you don’t hear the audio. And let’s just take this back here and let’s go ahead and record. So click to start recording. Gather your ingredients. Just like that. And that will record your voice directly here into the timeline. Then you can close voiceover and here’s your voice down here. So, if we play this back, gather your ingredients. Good. So, I’ll get rid of this other audio real quick. And when you have some audio selected, you can go up to the details panel and click on voice changer. And you can switch to voice characters find the same character that you wanted, which for us was good guy. Now listen, gather your ingredients way better. So, so much better. And so, if you don’t like your voice, just use the voice changer and that’ll come out a lot better than just generating voice from text. So, let’s go ahead and do that right now. I’m just going to hit shift Z so that I can zoom out totally. I’m also going to grab my recipe here and maybe I can kind of, I’m just going to kind of move the window over here so that I can see my recipe. And let’s go ahead and record and it’s going to play back. And I’m just going to record this recipe as it plays back. It’s probably not going to match up with the video very much, but that’s okay. Cause we can always change things later. Right? So, here’s our voiceover recording hasn’t started. I’m going to make sure to click to start and then we’re going to have a countdown. Three, two, one. Preheat your oven to preheat oven, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter, mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. Crack two eggs, add two eggs, two teaspoons of vanilla, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of baking soda, and one teaspoon of salt. Next, next, add a whole bag of chocolate chips, mix together until the dough forms. Form into cookie sized biscuits and bake for 11 minutes. Enjoy. All right. Okay. So that wasn’t even that great. The timing is way off. I messed up a whole bunch, but the great thing is that this is going to work out just fine. All we have to do is work on editing it a little bit. So, I’ll hit control plus zoom in. And I think for now I’m just going to lock this track. So here in the track header, if I just click on the lock, I’ll just lock both of these tracks. And just so it’s not confusing, I’m just going to turn off our video tracks too. All I’m doing is focusing on the audio. And so, I’m just looking at these waveforms. I’m going to push up the volume here too, a little bit, just push it up, just so the tips are starting to be a little bit orange. And I’m going to start to trim this. I’ll hit Q to trim the front part of this. Let’s just play this back. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. All right. That’s good. I’ll hit control B and select this and hit Q. And now we have one clip that’s really nice. Now it’s time to go through and edit our voiceover. And all I’m doing is going through and finding the things that I want to keep. Just like we did with the video. You can download my voiceover and edit it yourself with the top link in the description below, or you can record it yourself with your own voice. Okay. So, we’ve gone through our whole voiceover and we’re just keeping the parts that we like. And for videos like this, you tend to only need the amount of video that will go over the voiceover like this. And so basically as quickly as you can explain something, that’s about all you need to show as well. It kind of depends on the pacing of your video. If you want it to be a little bit more chill, a little bit more relaxed, you can space them out a little bit. But if you’re just wanting a quick recipe, bang, bang, bang, the quickest way is just to put your voiceover pretty close together. And that’s going to be about the timing for our video. So, let’s just kind of listen to this back. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. Add two eggs, two teaspoons of vanilla. One teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of salt. Next, add a whole bag of chocolate chips. Mix together until the dough forms. Form into cookie-sized biscuits and bake for 11 minutes. Enjoy. All right. So that’s working pretty well. Now it’s just a matter of showing our video again. And we’re going to match this video to the audio. Get rid of our text for now. And this is where things are really going to start to come together. We have this in a rough order. The only difference is that we don’t have the preheat oven up here at the front. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. So, let’s go ahead and grab that preheat oven, which is right about here. We’ll just drag this on top for now. I’ll hit control plus to zoom in here. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Okay. I kind of like these ingredients right there, actually. And we’ll just trim this right about there and turn this clip down a little bit. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar. Okay. So, we have this mix. We don’t need that mix right here. Mix in one cup of sugar. Let’s go ahead and get rid of clip seven. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. Okay. So, this is taking a little bit longer. So, let’s actually extend this clip out to where we just see the butter and that’s going to kind of push everything down. Get eight ounces of butter. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in. And this was sort of an accident, but I like how this turns from a wrapped up piece of butter to an unwrapped piece of butter. Ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar and right when I say mix in one cup of sugar, let’s cut to actually mixing in one cup of sugar. So, let’s go ahead and hit control B and let’s trim the second clip to start with putting in that sugar. Okay. Mix in one cup of sugar. One cup of sugar and maybe we can give it a little bit more room. Mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. I think what we’ll do is I’ll say the ingredients and then we’ll show mixing, you know, for a couple of beats, something like that. One cup of brown sugar. Add mix, mix. Then the next thing. Let’s have a little bit of mixing. We’ll have that end right about there. A cup of brown sugar. Add two eggs. Two. Yeah. Two eggs. We can probably cut to the eggs being in there. Add two eggs. Two eggs. Let’s hit control B. Cut to the eggs in there like this. I’ll just trim this. Add two eggs. Two teaspoons of vanilla. Okay. This needs to be a little bit faster. So, we’re going to crack the eggs. They’re going to be in there. And we’re going to mix it up. And at this point, it’s just adjusting timing and making sure that everything is happening at the right time. Eggs. Two teaspoons of vanilla. Vanilla. One teaspoon of baking soda. I wonder if we mix this after. We mix it. Yes. Okay. We mix it. So, we’ll just cut to mixing it a little bit. So, we’ll go ahead and split it right there. Control B. And then trim this to when we start mixing. There we go. So now teaspoons of vanilla. One teaspoon of baking soda. Teaspoon of baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. Oh, this is flour. So, the flour we actually put in before the baking soda. Next, add a whole. I wonder, did I even say flour? And one teaspoon of salt. One teaspoon of baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. Yep. We missed the flour. Okay. No problem. You can always combine multiple clips. So, let’s go ahead and record some voiceover here. We’re going to mute our project. Add three cups of flour. Mix in three cups of flour. And that’ll put this on a new track. Again, we’re just going to trim this to go where it’s supposed to go. And we’ll move these clips down. Where they’re supposed to be. There we go. Vanilla. Mix in three cups of. Push up this volume. Flour. One teaspoon of baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. Okay. So here we go. Mix in three cups of flour. Cut to mixing. Teaspoon of baking. To all of this just a little bit earlier. Flour. One teaspoon of baking soda. So flour. One teaspoon of baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. That works. The baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. Next, add a whole bag of chocolate chips. That actually was kind of an accident, but I like how we have the sound of the chocolate chips before when I talk. Next, add a whole bag of chocolate chips. It’s nice when you have a happy accident there. Chips. Mix together until the dough forms. Form into cookie side. All right. So, we mix together until the dough forms. Mix together until the dough forms. Form into cookie size biscuits. See, I like that. Form into cookie size biscuits. Slap. Go. Form into cookie size biscuits. And bake for 11 minutes. Take this audio down a little bit. And bake for 11 minutes. Enjoy. Bake for 11 minutes. Then we’ll have him take them out. Enjoy. So, let’s bake for 11 minutes. And bake for 11 minutes. Let’s move these down just a little bit. And bake for 11 minutes. Enjoy. So, I think what we’ll do is we’ll have some more music here as he takes it out. Enjoy. And we’ll have these beautiful cookie shots. Yeah. I think maybe we’ll move one of these to the beginning. I’ll hit shift Z. And that’s going to zoom all the way out. So, I’m going to take this and just move this over here. Over our first shot. And use this last one. Okay. Trim this. And we have our beautiful cookie shot. Enjoy. Baby. Enjoy. I won’t say enjoy over him enjoying it. Right? Enjoy. So, we have a pretty good little video here. It’s about 45 seconds long. And what we’ve done so far is just go through and keep all the parts that we want to keep in the relative order that we want to show them. And so, part of editing is just watching things back. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. Add two eggs. Two teaspoons of vanilla. Mix in three cups of flour. One teaspoon of baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. Next, add a whole bag of chocolate chips. Mix together until the dough forms. Form into cookie-sized biscuits. And bake for 11 minutes. Then as it comes up. Do do do do do do do do do do do do. Enjoy. Yeah, see. This feels great. And at this point, it’d be a good idea to just kind of go through it a couple more times if you want and make sure that you like all the details. A great way to edit is to fix the big problems and then go through and fix the small problems. That’s called editing in passes. So, you do a whole pass on the entire video, just doing all the video you like. Do a whole pass on all the audio. Make sure that it’s all the audio that you like. And then go through and, you know, fix things like, oh, well, I think I want this clip to be a little bit faster or slower or whatever we want to do. Or if we want to zoom in a little bit, maybe we want to zoom in on this. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar. So, let’s take care of this voice over here. We have Kevin’s voice and my voice and they’re different. And if you don’t mind that, that’s okay. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to three. So, let’s go ahead and replace his voice and my voice with the same AI character. This is crazy. So, let’s go over to audio and go to voice changer voice characters. And we’re going to pick good guy. And then I’m also going to select all of our voiceover like this. Voice changer voice characters. Good guy. That’s going to apply everything to all the clips. Might take a few seconds to do that. So, we have this kind of thinking here, but once it’s all done thinking, then it should replace my voice and Kevin’s voice with the good guy voice. All right. Looks like it’s done thinking. Now this is, this is creepy. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar. All right. Only problem is that his volume needs to be up a little bit. So, we’ll push that up just a little. You’re in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to 300. That sounds good. Now this wouldn’t be complete without some music. And in CapCut and the upper left hand corner, there is this audio tab. Now there are a bunch of tracks here that you can use to make videos for TikTok, but it’s not necessarily cleared to use on YouTube. So, feel free to explore this library and use them at your own risk on YouTube. But on YouTube, if you go to your YouTube Studio that shows up here in this menu on YouTube. And in the lower left, there is something called creator music beta. If you click on that and go to free, there is a lot of decent music that you can put into your videos and you don’t have to worry about copyright restrictions or anything like that. Today, we’re going to use a track from this library and it’s called Sunset Dream. So, if you just search for Sunset Dream, it’s this one that’s green right here, Sunset Dream by Chill. If you click on the three dots and say download track, you can download this to your computer. I’ve already downloaded it to my desktop. Then we can go back to our import tab here and click import and select that and import it just like any piece of media. And we can add it to our video just by hitting plus. And that’s going to show up down here in the track. Now, the first thing you’re going to want to do is turn this down. Believe me, take this, either select it here and go up to basic and turn the volume down. I would turn it down to like negative 19 or 20 or so to start out with, because music is a lot louder than basically anything else. And we don’t want the music that loud. Okay. So, let’s see how this sounds. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. Okay. So, the music is definitely quiet enough. Let’s take this up to maybe 15. Add two eggs. There we go. Two teaspoons of vanilla. Mix in three cups of flour. Okay. And music, just like any other piece of media, we can trim in the timeline like this. I’m going to trim this to where it starts to get a little bit louder here. You can see in the waveform how it gets a little bit louder there. I’ll push this all the way to the left. Let’s see how this sounds. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. Add two eggs. Yeah, that’s working great. Enjoy. Great. At the end, we’re just going to fade this out. I can hit control B to cut this and I’ll hit backspace to get rid of this. And I’ll make sure that this clip ends right at the edge of our video clip. And the way that we can fade this out is we can either select the clip and go up here to our basic controls and adjust this fade out like this. Or we can grab the little dot that shows up here. Just move the playhead over and grab this little dot when you have these left and right arrows. And you can visually move this fade in like that. So, this is a 1.8 second fade. Enjoy. Great. So now we have a nice little fade out at the end. And we have music under our video. Two teaspoons of vanilla. Now, right here for 11 minutes. We have some stuff going on where we’re not talking. And so, we can actually make this music a little bit louder because we don’t have to hear the voice over it. And so right here, what I’d recommend you do is zoom in and let’s hit control B and just cut this. So now we have two clips. This clip and they’re both at the same volume right now. Let’s select the second clip and take the volume up a little bit to maybe like minus 10. Let’s just see what that sounds like. And bake for 11 minutes. So now that music is nice and loud. Can maybe even bring it up a little more, but we’ll keep it there. And now that music can be loud where we don’t have our voiceover. And it actually naturally has a little dip here. That was another little happy accident. Enjoy. So that works out too. You generally want your music a little bit louder when there’s no voiceover and a little bit quieter when there is voiceover. Now you could go in and make it louder in between each voiceover, but it’s probably not necessary. It’s not that big a deal. So, we’re at a point now where our video is looking really good and we could be done and upload it just like this. That means that we’re at a perfect place to play around with some fancy, silly things. So, I want to show you a couple more fun features of CapCut while we finish this thing off. If we go up here to our upper left panel, we have all these tabs over here. And we’ve already explored the import audio and text tabs, but we also have stickers. And these are little graphics that you can put on your videos just to make things a little bit more fun. And what’s neat is you can search for a sticker. So, let’s say cookies, and that’ll bring up all these little pieces of clipart for your cookies. And so, depending on the style of your video and how wacky you want to make it, you can add these. So, to add a sticker, all you do is just drag it into your timeline. And it comes in as its own little yellow track here. So, we can just place this in time wherever we want. And let’s just put this over our first clip here. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Now, this might not be where we want it to be. Maybe we want this just below like this. Have a little icon here. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Great, so that’s awesome, but maybe we don’t want it to start there. Maybe we want it to kind of move in and animate. We can select this sticker. And this kind of works for any kind of visual media here in the timeline. You can select the sticker here in the timeline and go over here to animation. And we can adjust the in out or loop animation. So, we could have this bounce in like this. Let’s just have it bounce in. So there it kind of pops up. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Just makes it a little bit more interesting. That’s kind of fun. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. And we can go through and add stickers for anything that we want. One teaspoon of baking soda. So, baking soda. Let’s find a baking soda. I don’t know if they’ll have baking soda specifically. I bet they’ll have salt though. This one’s animated. Let’s take this. Bring this in where it’s salt time. And one teaspoon of salt. Great. Baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. We can move this up here like this. Baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. Soda. And again, we could do the in and the out. So, we could have this slide down. Then for the out, we’ll have it slide up. Salt. And for the loop, we can make it jiggle. And one teaspoon of… So now baking soda. And one teaspoon of salt. Maybe not the jiggle. Let’s take that out. And one teaspoon of salt. So, I mean, there’s so many cool things you can do to enhance your videos. And one teaspoon of salt. My recommendation is to keep it tasteful. Don’t add 500 of these things. Just sprinkle them in just like salt. You know, don’t add too much. You know what I mean? The other thing we have are effects. There’s all kinds of video effects and everything from blurs to zooms, to all kinds of stuff. And so, we can make things a little bit nicer in this way. So maybe let’s adjust this shot. And you can kind of preview it by just clicking on it. Heat your oven to 350 degrees. Heat your oven to 350 degrees. And there’s just tons of these to explore. Heat your oven to 350 degrees. Use the zoom lens. It’s kind of zooming things in. Heat your oven to 350 degrees. All kinds of crazy stuff you can do. Again, keep it tasteful. You don’t want to be insane. Heat your oven to 350 degrees. I like this hazy one. I can take this and drag this onto my clip like that. That’s going to add the hazy effect to it. So that just kind of blurs the edges a little bit. That looks kind of nice. So, you can open those up and play around. The next category here is transitions. And you can search for all kinds of transitions and stuff. One thing I wanted to search for was tearing paper because I have a little idea here. Okay, we have this tearing paper transition. Seconds. See how that works. And I wonder if we can do this transition in between this butter. Let’s just zoom this in a little bit. Let’s just drop this tearing paper transition in between these two clips. Eight ounces of butter. And it looks like we’re tearing out, tearing up the butter. That looks pretty cool. That looks pretty cool. And you can mix and match and combine all this stuff. I mean, this is just a super deep program to get into. We don’t have time to get into all of it today. But one thing we’ll do is add some captions. So, let’s switch over to our captions here. And if we go to auto captions here, we can identify the language. And hit generate. And look what happens. This will go through our entire project. And it will figure out all the words and everything. And it will put them onto the video at exactly when it’s supposed to be. Fast chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar. And for any of our captions, we can adjust the font and size and everything just like our text. So, with this apply to all checked, I could, you know, maybe do something like this. And change to her Rubik font that we like. And make it a little bigger. There we go. Let’s go ahead and get rid of this other text we had, the how to make cookies. And now we have all of our captions added exactly where they need to be without much work at all. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Get eight ounces of butter. Mix in one cup of sugar and one cup of brown sugar. Add two eggs, two teaspoons of vanilla. Mix in three cups of flour, one teaspoon of baking soda, and one teaspoon of salt. Next, add a whole bag of chocolate chips. Mix together until the dough forms. Form into cookie-sized biscuits. And bake for 11 minutes. Okay, this one didn’t work very well. So, I can hold alt and drag this over. And let’s get rid of the last part here. And the first part here. We go skits. And bake for 11 minutes. There we go. There we go. This is looking beautiful. And we’re almost all the way done. Last couple things we could add here. We can use filters to change our color and our style a little bit if we want to. There’s all kinds of things we could do. Let’s just go back to our Kevin shot here. We click on any of these. We can see it. Preheat your oven to 360 seconds. Preheat your oven to 350. And a lot of these are probably way too strong and not really what we’re looking for. I mean, you just, we don’t really need that. But depending on what you’re doing, you might like that kind of style. But if you want to make something custom, you can go over to adjustment and grab a custom adjustment. And this is cool. If I hit plus, it’s going to add an adjustment layer here. And I can put this over our entire project, just like this, or I can pick specific clips or something if I want to. But when I have this selected, then I can adjust the colors of everything all at once. And so maybe I can make it a little bit more warm, cozy, a little more saturated, maybe a little more contrast. There we go. Maybe push up the blacks a little bit just to give us that kind of faded look. And now we have everything looking a little bit more poppy and beautiful. See, that’s great. So, this is without the adjustment and this is with it. Just makes it a little bit nicer. So, there we have our amazing video. Now we need to actually get this out so people can watch it. Super easy to do. All we do is go in the upper right-hand corner and click on this export button. This is going to give us some options on what kind of video we want to make. If you’re just getting started out making videos, I would recommend just using the default options here. But once you get a little bit more into the technical side of things, you can adjust things here with the resolution, bit rate, codec, and all of that kind of stuff. Make sure that you pick a name. So, we’ll call this cookies and let’s put it somewhere on our computer. I’ll just save it to the desktop here. And then we hit export. That’s how you can bake the best. Depending on how powerful your computer is, it might take a few seconds to a couple of minutes to export. And then it’ll also give you options to sign in and upload directly to TikTok or YouTube. Or you can upload it yourself if you go to open folder. And now this is a video file that you can share with anyone. Here’s how you can bake the best chocolate chip cookies in just 60 seconds. You can send this to a client if you’re doing some work. You can upload this to your social media or your YouTube if it’s just for you. You can throw this on a thumb drive and send it to grandma, whatever you want to do. And whoever you’re showing this to doesn’t have to have CapCut. It’s just a regular video file. So CapCut auto saves, but you can always hit control S just to save yourself. And you can always come back to this project later and adjust things, make a longer version or a shorter version or whatever you want to do. But that’s the entire process of creating a video in CapCut. So that should be everything you need to know to be dangerous in CapCut. Make sure to download that media right here. It’s totally free. Just takes a few minutes to download and you can be up and running, making your own cooking video. Very exciting. And also, if you want to, uh, if you want to get a little deeper with CapCut, there is a great video for that. All right. Okay.

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