this is a sad day but it brings back an incredible amount of good memories today uh America and the world in my view uh lost a remarkable leader he was a Statesman and humanitarian and jillo and I lost a dear friend what I find extraordinary about Jimmy Carter though is that millions of people all around the world all over the world feel they lost a friend as well even though they never met him and that’s because Jimmy Carter lived the life measured not by words but by his deeds just look at his life his life’s work he worked to eradicate disease not at not just at home but around the world he forged peace Advanced civil rights human rights promoted free and fair elections around the world he built housing and homeless for the homeless with his own hands and his compassion and moral Clarity clarity lift the people up and changed lives and saved lives all over the globe the entire Carter family on behalf of the world the whole nation we send our whole heartfelt sympathies and gratitude our gratitude for sharing President Carter for so many years