[Music] toxic and poisoned far too much noising that’s when I needed to breathe my games are twisted left my brain all blistered yeah I should have known to to sleep my heart Begins the PO there’s blood on the bedroom floor I couldn’t give anymore goodby it took a but the life of might switched he didn’t think I do it just watch me I’ll take a match to the memories and all this bad energy is to a better me better me I’m throwing a match on the memories rip them like denim jeans yeah I know it’s going to hurt I cry as I’m watching this burn burn burn crying I’m watching us burn burn burn cry is I’m watching us [Music] burn I’m left with the ashes and covered of gashes but my S growing strong I’m bruised and I’m broken but here is the hoping that every last piece of gone I’ll be moving on when I take a match to the memories and all this bad energy here to a better me throwing a match on the memories like yeah I know it’s going to hurt I’ll cry as I’m watching this bur burn burn cry as I’m watching us burn burn burn crying I’m watching us I’m watching this bir I’m watching this burn watching us burn watching us burn I’m watching [Music]