I am Gravely concerned that that the rise of tariffs puts us on a slippery slope towards crony cronyism Capital so when you when you implement tariffs for the American companies that produce Goods in America there’s unquestionably a short-term benefit you’ve just taken your competitors and severely disadvantage them the challenge with this and we know this we know the from the history of Economics those same companies that enjoy that momentary Sugar Rush of having their competitors removed from the battlefield soon become complacent soon take for granted their Newfound economic superiority and frankly they become less competitive on both the world stage and less competitive at meeting the needs of the American Consumer and then of course once you’re in this world where companies know that their very existence is because of tariffs you no if the tariffs came down they wouldn’t be able to compete they wouldn’t be able to thrive now you’re going to find the halls of Washington really filled with the special interest groups and the lobbyists