the video game’s too hard for me it brings me no joy to tell you this I gotta find my plays my playbook is a disaster there’s runs I can’t find I don’t throw the ball well defense I can’t figure out all right I’ll just say it I suck at the game so I’m going to hide from my boys who last week I was advertising the bottom of the boot look they’re not going to be able to figure it out either cuz there’s layers and levels to this they’re not ready for the levels of play picking I don’t think but they can’t be any worse than I am I’ll figure it out because that’s what winners and champions do right here H everything we want in life is on the other side of hard work I’ll put in the work but then here’s the problem all the dads that weren’t dads the last time this game was out there and you just had days and weeks to just devote nights mornings I don’t have it man no I got no time for this and I’m asking myself where am I going to find the time to become proficient at this game I don’t know that it exists because again early returns not promising