you know when I was studying journalism at Temple University in my newswriting classes as you would probably agree news was news it wasn’t you know opinion and then it became opinion so I was always confused I’m I’m one of those people that’s always confused by the news I’m like no but that’s your opinion that’s actually just not the news I just want the truth I want the facts and so I can distill it in the way that I need to so for me I’ve actually turned down the sound on 24-hour new Cycles I live in sort of this revolutionary way where I believe that like being joyful and being kind and being loving and thoughtful and being aware yet also you know I don’t live in a bubble in any way I know what’s going on in the world but I can’t let every single thing throw my day because otherwise how can I be a creative force and be you know an instrument for Change and in service to Story by always reacting to every whim of things that are happening in our news media