[Music] everything behind this has always been to try to inspire [Music] [Applause] [Music] people I was trying to break the world record for the most push-ups done in one hour I trained for a couple of months started getting injuries and I was like this is just not worth it this is the pits so that’s when I fully transitioned my focus to to doing a million push-ups because I thought you know the message could be much more impactful for [Music] anybody the feedback I have received in particular talking about my anxieties and issues it’s the feedback that I always wanted as a little kid the world is such a different place for me now and I attribute that largely to my push-up Pursuit because it allowed me to to see and learn that I am in control as are you and everybody else out there we are all in control of our own lives tons have changed over the last 10 years of doing this I mean when I started tracking my push-ups I was 25 years old I was dating a girl who ended up being my wife since then I’ve had two kids got a third on the way I’ve you know switched careers I’ve learned a ton I’ve failed a lot I’ve embarrassed myself on the internet however I am more confident than ever that if I just keep following the path of like work hard and don’t quit good things will happen and I’m sticking to that