and above water can we talk about Ry can
we talk about her expanded role her
storyline in The Next Star Wars that has
to be something that’s very exciting for
you to know that more of her story is
going to come to life I mean I really
did think the last time I was like
bye-bye and then hello um it’s very
exciting it feels honestly so um strange
like I really can’t imagine what that
experience is going to be like it’s been
a number of years a lot has changed um
but it’s really exciting we were saying
we can’t believe it’s been like 10 years
like we remember interviewing the like
it was the yesterday yeah and I look
back and think I was a baby um but it’s
weird it feels honest it doesn’t feel
like starting again but I’m all of those
emotions came back of keeping something
secret and then it being
out not entirely knowing what’s going to
happen uh but I’m looking forward to it