everything like I still don’t take everything in like sometimes I think okay I’m going wake up and this not going to be happening no more like because everybody know I love Beyonce from the bottom of my heart like and for her to say she listen to my music is insane to me actually and then as I walked into the White House like it was crazy like wow like I’m here like I studied about this in school you know I’m saying everybody know but I never thought I’d be in there let alone meeting the President and Vice President and with Mike tumbling I well I be at a lot of the games now because like I’m able to actually be with my team like I’m happy about that because I’m a big football fan I’m a big Steelers fan and uh Mike Tumblin was like somebody I never thought I was going to meet I just see him on TV or playing Madness stuff like that never thought I was going to meet him when I met him that was like crazy like I be living it you know what I’m saying going through the motion but I just still don’t think it’s all the way 100% real sometime