[Music] oh baby love everything about you baby oh gous [Music] baby most people don’t understand it baby I can’t build without you’re so pretty when makeup on I had to make a song cuz you gorgeous all the mother girls Faking It All You R my mind how you take the we in floring she grew up in Corpus now the boat in the ocean I don’t know where the shore is on the just looking at sish I found PE on pal Tre we watching sucess on Jack she let me confess my strength we pull up F we blame let’s hit the crib love everything about you baby you’re gorgeous baby G most people don’t understand it baby of c and I can’t build a life without you hair changing colors eyes changing colors I wake up on my Di and like how the you going to break up with me on a ey and your head taking 50 minutes polish your nails did but I just saw you in a b and your head good yeah you smart that was I when you so you be see love everything about you Baby G baby you’re gous most people don’t understand it baby you’re gorgeous and I can’t build a life without you Fair Princess trying to PR certificates like always I was so hung over but I’m lit again like always gossip is rolling in a court that’s impossible why you trying to move in New York huh is trying to PR certificate always I was so hung over but I’m L like gosip is ruling in a cour you in tree H what love everything about you baby Beauty from all Planet baby most people don’t understand I can’t do life with [Music]