my personal favorite of all the hot sauces is a sauce uh by Queen Majesty it’s called Scotch bonnet and ginger it is when I first had it I was like wow this is mind-blowing elevates every meal that I have it on and to this day all these years later it was a very early season of hot ones but still to this day my goto hot sauce uh dream guest of ours and they’re a couple I feel like 50 Cent kind of made in a lab for hot ones the fans really want keano Reeves it would be fun personally to have David Letterman on the show so you know all these and doing the show and and there’s still people you got to get the hot ones research is basically just rolling your sleeves up and diving into the material so me and Chris shurger who I do the show with my little brother Gavin will just dive into it attack it from different angles make our notes join together see what we find interesting and from there you just extract those bits you got your 10 wings write a thesis question some followups sequence it and Bam that’s how you write a hot one’s interview