hi everyone kevin here today i want to show you how you can use google jamboard first off what is google jamboard it’s a digital canvas or a whiteboard that allows you to collaborate with up to 50 other people in real time you can use it on your phone on your tablet or on your computer alright let’s jump on the computer and first off let’s see how we could get google jamboard here i am on my pc and first off i want to show you how you can get to google jamboard by far the easiest way to get there is to simply head to the website google.com or any google product and up in the right hand corner you’ll see the app launcher let’s click on this this shows us all of our different google apps and if we scroll down this list you’ll see an option for jamboard if this is something that you’re going to be using often you might want to have it show up higher on this list just like with any app you can click on it and then drag it to a new position because i’m doing a tutorial of jamboard today i’m going to move it up to a very top position here in the list for easy access in the future next let’s click on jamboard once i click on jamboard this shows us the second way that we can very easily get to jamboard instead of clicking through the app launcher you could simply go up into your browser and in the url field simply type in jamboard.google.com and that will also bring you to jamboard the third way you can launch jamboard let’s say for instance you’re in a google meet meeting and you want to collaborate with other people who you’re meeting with within google meet in the bottom right hand corner there’s an ellipses let’s click on the more options menu at the very top of this list there’s an option to kick off a whiteboard or also known as a jamboard here i am now in google drive and this is another way you could get back to your jamboard when you create a jamboard all of your jamboards will show up as files within google drive clicking on any of these will very quickly take you back to jamboard so i think you get my point there are many different ways that you can get back to the jamboard experience and google has sprinkled entry points throughout all of their products there are so many different entry points and we finally made it to the google jamboard start page before we jump into an individual jam i want to take a moment to show some of the functionality on the start page google makes it very easy to get back to the jams that you care about starting with a search field up here on top not only can i search for the titles of my jams i can also search for content within jams here for instance we see a jam on responding to angry customers at the kevin cookie company we don’t have any angry customers but in case we do we have some instructions on how we can handle that now the word fields appears within this jam so i could simply search for fields search and there i see that specific jamboard moving down here i see all of my recent jams now i’m not going to click into them because these contain proprietary information instead we’ll create a new jam in just a moment to open an existing jam it’s pretty intuitive you simply click on it down below in the right hand corner there’s an ellipses menu four more actions and you could do things like renaming you could download as a pdf and then print it out or you could even remove it if that file is no longer relevant to you in the top right hand corner i have a few more options to help me get back to the file that i care about by default i see jams that both i created and that others created i can narrow this down so i could only see jams created by me or i could set it so i could only see jams that others have shared with me to the right of that i can also sort my list using different criteria and lastly i could switch my view between a card view and a grid view depending on how i like to visualize all of my jams now that we’ve looked at all of the core functionality on the start page why don’t we get started and create our very own jam to do that go down to the bottom right hand corner just like with all google products and let’s click on new jam here i am in a brand new jam and i have a wide open blank canvas here to start brainstorming before i do that though i want to give my jam a name if we go up to the top left hand corner the name is currently untitled jam that’s not really inspiring let’s come up with something new if i click on that that allows me to rename the jam for any of you who have watched any of my tutorials before you probably know that i’m working on building my own cookie company and i use every tutorial as an opportunity to continue building up my it capabilities for this jam i want to figure out how we could drive new customers to our business i’m going to give it the title win customers and influence them to eat cookies once i’m satisfied with the title let’s click on ok now i have my title in place next i want to start adding some content to this jam over on the left hand side i have several different tools that i can use to add content to my jam we’re going to walk through what these different tools do and first off i want to insert a text box to help frame what this jam is even about i can click on the text box tool and now i can click anywhere on the jam to insert my text let me type something in i typed in how can we win customers that’s going to be the first jam topic and i can drag this box to make it bigger to make it smaller additionally when i have this text box selected i have additional tools up here on the top bar for instance i can set the style this is going to be a title so let’s select the title style along with that i can set a different font color right now it’s black that’s a little harsh on this slide let me go with a nice cool and calm blue there it changes the font color and here i can also align my text i’m going to make sure that it’s center aligned and i’ll position it right here at the top of my jam we have our title and next i want to show a few more things we can do with objects on our jam when i have the title selected here in the top left hand corner i can adjust the angle of the object you can do this with any type of object whether it’s a photo whether it’s text whether it’s a post-it note along with that over on the far right hand side in the top right hand corner there’s an ellipses menu when we click on that we can edit the text i could also double click to edit the text i could duplicate the item or i could delete it once we add more items onto our jam we can also adjust the order and i’ll show you how you can do that in just a moment we now have our title in place and next i want to include a photo on our jam because we’re brainstorming about customers i want to include a photo of customers i’m going to go over to my tools and click on the add image icon this opens up a select a file dialog and there are many different ways i can get photos into my jam i can upload a photo simply by dragging and dropping a photo into this rectangular area i could search on google i could select a photo from my drive or i could select a photo from google photos i want to search for photo on google search let me type in customers to see what comes up this shows me a whole bunch of different options i have some different filters that i could apply to narrow down my image set i really like this image down below because they’re all smiling and a lady in front has a bag which implies that she purchased some cookies let’s click on select this now inserts my photo of my customers on my jam now i don’t know about you but anytime you’re brainstorming about customers i think it’s important to include a picture of customers just so you’re truly thinking about their needs it’s kind of like at amazon anytime they have some discussion in a conference room they leave an empty chair because that represents the customer the jam is starting to come together next i want us to start brainstorming over on the left hand side once again where i see all of my tools there is an option to insert a sticky note when i hover over the sticky note i also see a shortcut key i could press ctrl shift and p at the same time and that’ll also allow me to insert a sticky note now this is the one option on the menu that includes a shortcut key implying that this is probably something that you’re going to be using most often when you’re having brainstorming sessions let me click on sticky note this opens up the sticky note dialog and i can now type in my note for the first one on how we could win customers probably the most obvious one but we need to offer an incredible product now i typed in my text here along with this i can choose the color of my sticky note i have a few different colors to choose from and i could even choose no color but that wouldn’t be fun so why don’t we go with the standard yellow sticky note color and then click on save once i insert my sticky note it brings up the dialog again and i see here that it already inserted my first sticky note this is nice if you’re having a brainstorming session and you’re trying to come up with as many ideas as possible the sticky note dialog will continue popping up until you click on cancel i’m going to go ahead and enter a few more sticky notes and this time instead of yellow i’ll choose a different color and add a few more i’m now all done entering my sticky notes and i’m going to click on cancel now what’s nice is it automatically spaces my sticky notes so there’s a little separation between them to move these sticky notes i can simply drag them wherever i want them on my jam i’m going to position all of these sticky notes alongside my image just like before with the text when i click on one of these sticky notes i can rotate the angle of the sticky note and over on the right hand side once again i have the ellipses where i could edit duplicate delete and order once again we’ll get to order in just a moment all the sticky notes are now on the jam and before i have my team vote on which ones they think most likely drive customers i want to provide a little bit of inspiration to my team to help them with their vote to do that i want to insert a shape over in tools once again i’m going to click on this icon that looks like a circle if i click on this icon again this will expose all the different shapes that i can insert i see this one in the bottom right hand corner which is an arrow let me select this let me draw a big arrow right here i wanted to point at the one that i think most likely drives customers to our stores and that’s having the owner’s face on all the signage i know i’m very humble when we click on the arrow it’s not pointing at it how do i get it to point well we’re gonna go to the top left hand corner and rotate this arrow and i’m gonna have that point right at the one that i would like my team members to vote for when i have this object selected once again i see additional controls on the top toolbar here i can adjust the border color let me go with a red border color so it stands out a little bit more and i could also apply a fill color let me choose yellow i think that looks nice which one do you think my staff will vote for let’s see i’m now ready to have my staff start voting and to vote we’re gonna have everyone use the pen tool once again over on the left hand side where we see all the tools at the very top we see the pen tool when i click on it once this selects the pen but just like with shapes i can click on it again and i see all of the different tools that are available to me i have a pen i have a marker a highlighter and i have a brush plus i could choose different colors we’re going to use the pen for our voting and each team member is going to use a different color except we’re not going to use white since there’s a white background i’ll start off with the black pen and here i can add my check mark next to the item that i believe most drives customers next i’m going to go in and let’s let the team members come in and vote i now see that all of my team members have voted and surprisingly no one else put a check mark next to plaster owner’s face on all signage that brings us to our next tool once again over on the left hand side there’s an erase tool if i select the erase tool i can go in and i can erase content on this slide so let’s just secretly just go in here and remove all the check marks and now we see what all of the staff member agreed upon and that’s plastering the owner’s face on all signage that is the most likely contributor to winning new customers back over on the left hand side let’s touch on the last few remaining tools there’s also a selection tool when i click on this i can select an item just like the name implies here i could go through and then i could move the item around along with the selection tool at the very bottom of the list and the last icon that we haven’t looked at yet there is a laser pointer when i click on the laser pointer i can point at things on my slide now the neat thing is you see that it very slowly disappears and it trails away so what i could do is i could say hey everyone look at this customer this is exactly the type of customer we want she’s leaving our store with a bag that means that she bought something when she came into the kevin cookie company we want all of our customers to leave our store looking like this i mentioned earlier that we would come back to order and how we can adjust that i’m going to select this photo and i’m going to drag it under all of our sticky notes now one thing you notice is the photo is on the bottom layer and all of these sticky notes appear above the photo how do we adjust the layers up in the top right hand corner there’s an ellipses down at the bottom of this menu i can adjust the order i could bring it all the way to the front or i could bring it forward one layer i could send it back one layer or i could send it all the way to the back well it’s currently on the back so let’s bring it to the front when i bring it to the front it now sits above all of my sticky notes well of course that’s a little silly because you can’t see any of the sticky notes so once again let’s click here let’s go to the order and let’s send it all the way to the back and that’s how you can adjust the ordering along with adjusting the ordering i can also change the background of my jam right now it’s kind of a boring white can we adjust that yes we can up on the top toolbar there’s an option to change the background and when i click on this i have a few different options for backgrounds that i can apply i can even set a dark background if that suits my fancy but for now i’m gonna go with this nice line background i think that looks good i have my background in place and one thing you might notice is the titles win customers and influence them to eat cookies so far we’ve only been talking about how you win customers and i want to add an additional jam that’ll help influence people to eat more cookies to add another jam i go up to the top bar here and when i click on the next arrow this will send me to a brand new jam i can navigate back to the previous one or forward to the next one along with navigating forward and back i can click on this expand frame bar and here i can see all of my different frames if i want to insert a frame between one and two i could click this plus icon if i want to add a frame at the beginning or at the end i can also click on the plus icon here on the ellipses menu i can both duplicate and also delete a frame if that’s what i want to do on this jam now let’s start adding some content and i’m just gonna doodle around with my pen and of course this has nothing to do with influencing people to eat cookies so i can undo that and that will get rid of all of my annotations alternatively if i want to get back to a blank canvas and i want to remove all of the content that i’ve added to this jam i can go to the top and i can clear the frame and that’ll bring me right back to the start we’ve done some fantastic work today and i think we really brainstormed the reason why customers love us so much next we might want to share this out with a broader audience to do that up in the top right hand corner there’s a more actions menu under the ellipses there’s always a lot of functionality hidden under the ellipses we can download this as a pdf this will export all of our frames that we pull together or i could save just this individual frame as an image and that that’ll export it as a png and then i can use that elsewhere if i no longer want the frame i could remove it or if i thought the brainstorming was so valuable and i’d like to use this as a template in the future i can make a copy of it lastly a brainstorming wouldn’t be a brainstorming session if it was just you you likely want to bring other people in once again in the top right hand corner you can share this with others this brings up the share control and here i can type in people or groups to share this with when i click on the gear i can set the various permissions for the people that i share this jam with when i go back i can also get a link to share with others by default when i share a link it’ll only be accessible to people who i’ve shared it with i can change that setting by clicking down here and i can set it so anyone with this link can access this jam we’ve now gone through and we’ve looked at all of the functionality within jamboard once you’re all done and you want to return to the main page up here in the top left hand corner you can click on the j logo or the jamboard logo and that’ll bring us back to the start page or the home page and here we see the jamboard that we pulled together over here i could even jump through all of my frames and unfortunately we didn’t get to how to influence people to eat more cookies so you’ll have to come back for a future tutorial and maybe we could pull together a plan for that all right well that wraps up our brainstorming session thank you so much for helping with that today if you learned how to use jamboard please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see future videos like this hit that subscribe button that way you’ll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if you want to see me cover any other topics in the future leave a note down below and i’ll add it to my list of videos to create alright well that’s all i had for you today i hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you next time bye you