F what what have you heard out of their Camp what sense are you getting they have the new coordinators the new piece obviously in sequin what have you heard out of there yeah this is the most important game of week one and I say that because of what I heard out of there this team has to get their chemistry back they have been working all offseason on that Nick serani knows he has to get more out of Jaylen Herz in terms of locker alom leadership and Serana himself knows he needs to get more leadership out of himself within this locker room this team went through an epic collapse last year we can talk about the Chiefs and the Ravens and how much that game means to the rest of the season forget it both those teams are going to be alive and well at the end of the regular season this is the game to Marcus’s point where you are setting momentum in place you are changing the dynamic and the narrative about the rest of the season to me this is the most important game of the NFL season for week one
Jeff Darlington says there’s a lot riding on the Eagles vs. Packers matchup in Brazil 👀 🤩