inflation in my view may not go away so quickly okay and so they might go into next year 2026 where it starts ticking up a little bit like it did uh in in the 70s because you know the FED always says it’s data dependent well of course they have to be data dependent can you imagine them saying we don’t care what the data says but the short-term data is deceptive and so when you say depending you I think we overreact to shortterm data but there’s also future data doesn’t exist yet but you can predict it like huge fiscal spending the remilitarization of the world which is inflationary demographics is inflationary the green economy is inflationary uh uh the restructuring of trade is inflationary so I see a lot of inflationary things in front of us they haven’t all happened yet but they’re they’re going to happen and I think they will have probably have an inflationary effect so in the back of my mind we’re prepared for that I don’t think it’s a big deal if it’s you know three and a half perent the 10e bond goes to five or five and a half uh I think it becomes a big deal if it goes much more than that and people Court of guard and credit spread start to Gap out and it’s only a really big deal we have stack inflation I.E a recession with inflation and I I would not rule that out I’m not talking about next year I’m not making a forecast but in terms of like managing our exposures all of us I’d be thinking about that a little bit too