yeah I mean uh I mean every every game is a plan to get in the end zone uh but yeah yeah but uh you know I definitely wanted to you know give a tribute to him on one of my my touchdowns uh you know it was just great to to have it done in the first quarter uh in the first one so uh definitely got to show that love to him um you know grateful for what he has done for this game and uh what he has done for me as a kid just watching him and uh being a fan of him uh always got to show love towards him yeah I I texted him and uh you know wished him you know the best of luck and uh I was happy to see that he came out and said he had beat cancer and everything and um but I always will you know have it have him in my prayers and um I mean the the the the effect that he has on people uh just not just me but uh you know just the whole world is is is outstanding