learned that a long time ago from John Ritter he said never do second take the same as you did the first amazing he literally never did it was always different I’d be like where did you why did you I was amazed amazing that’s so cool yeah yeah you think you you as a as a young actor you think that you have to like find something and just like oh I found it and keep repeating it um and there’s there’s I guess there’s uh good stuff in that as well but if they have it once that way what’s the point of having five six seven takes of the same thing in the edit you’re you’re going to be happy that you have different versions and in a show like this which is so half the time questionable on the tone you don’t know which way you’re going in what scene so the options of like is this one a little more grounded is this one completely off the rails and out of control like you don’t really know what’s going to happen until they get it in the editing room