boy oh boy with Stephen A Smith be the perfect somebody Stephen A know would you do it’s hard to get me to come back to host another live event like that but for you Stephen A Kev would you host it what would I host it if you think I said get your bleep button F time Brady enough wait till you hear what I say about Stephen A Smith if you tell me you’ll do a live roast I’ll commit right now to saying I’ll host it Stephen you wouldn’t do it hell no what if we get what if we give you off a couple off limits things if I were to do it there wouldn’t be anything off limit that’s why I’m not going to do it okay secondly everybody wanted me to do it except my sister kmen stepped in and said hell no third Kevin Hart y’all did a hell of a job with that you know I I I reached out to you IM me you did a hell of a job bro I just want to shout out my brother Tom Brady if you’re gonna do a rose do the rose it’s to it’s to present the world of hard comedy tough comedy and make people laugh but make people be okay with being uncomfortable