[Music] I was driving by your house and I wouldn’t do it again I think about you till a passs out it hurts like how I wake up on alone in my B I’m looking at you only in a man I should be okay when I see your faces light you coming in my nervous system my nervous my nervous system you come me in my nervous system my nervous syst nervous system you got me in my nervous system my nerv my n my n n [Music] you got in my syst nervous my n system you got me in my nerv system my nervous Sy syst [Music] know that I can be okay got to push through this healing was in your hand and then you had me by the wayside did I ever mean a thing to you I only think about the ending I Shadow up my former self this is my you got me in my nervous system my nervous my nervous system you got me in my nervous system my nous syst system you got my nous system my nous my n system you got the syst [Music] [Music] n you got [Music] nervous system my nervous my nervous system n [Music]