listen boys we need a new single honestly your output has not been Stellar these days I I don’t even know what you guys have been doing it seems like you have tons of free time are you you’re not in school right I didn’t think so certainly doesn’t sound like it but um listen we got to get this done I need you guys to turn in a song in five days okay all right I’m going to get off the pot see y [Music] going baby are you already going right in the middle of a moment you can’t tell me it didn’t noce where this was going oh but I know that you got a ride it’s ready outside and it’ll take you away oh and now though we made for a reason so before you go leing baby I got to say it would be a damn shame if you left it t night it be DN shame to spend the rest of my life never know how you take my lips gra my face so it would be a damn shame damn [Music] [Applause] [Music] shame I can’t make you stay if you don’t want you don’t see I won’t throw words in your face to get even now I can see a future leing but you leing oh but I know that you got it ride it’s ready outside and it’ll take you away oh now know it’s only a moment but before you get going baby I got to say it will be a d shame if you left it nighted me up day of shame to spend the rest in my life never know you taste by my lips gra my face so it will be a damn shame D what is wrong with you huh I live downstairs okay do any respect for any living human being H I’m a mother yeah I have I’m a mother certified dog Mom right do fluffy shut the up all right I’m trying to sleep I’m trying to do my thing am I working right now no am I trying to get a job yes all right so I need my beauty sleep all right thank you thank you oh four babies left here oh I didn’t realize four babies left here can you can you keep it the down please C take some time anyway I sh on the FL look going easy way out oh why we was talking in the kitchen asking what you do for a living oh why but I don’t know DN but it would be a damn shame if you l