[Music] roses are still bloom in the springtime wolves sing their songs up to the Moon people falling people love and people pass on through guess tomorrow won’t see me [Music] well those first heart breaks will always be the hardest and they say that last goodbye will hurt the worst but those tailights started fading let me be down here and waiting hope the sun shows up tomorrow and tells me we ain’t through but Rosies will stay bloom in the springtime wolves sing their songs up to the Moon people fall and people love and people pass on through gu tomorrow won’t see me [Music] you [Music] oh oh oh [Music] [Music] all those late night winding backwards blessing Jackson all those heartfelt conversations by the fire can’t admit it’s really over no more crying on my my shoulder what was done is done and over I did all that I could do and Roses are still BL in the spring time wolves sing their songs up to the Moon people fall and people love and people pass on through guess tomorrow won’t see me and you people fall and people love people pass on through but tomorrow won’t see me [Music] you oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music]