[Music] I don’t blame it on me falling in love with you anybody could see there was nothing I could do you just shot me that look and baby I was hooked it was always meant to be so don’t blame it on me don’t blame it on me it in my fault I’ve always been your fool but after all we both know all that it takes to tell me was it such a crime when I took your hand in mine you can call it Destiny but don’t blame it on me don’t blame it on me can’t blame the stars for [Music] shining can’t blame the birds for flying can’t blame a guy for trying I’m sure I fell but I had help take a look at yourself Here I Stand fely Accused but I’m just a man and The Mastermind was you i’ take credit if I could but I’ve never been that good it’s just worked out beautifully so don’t blame it on me don’t blame it on [Music] [Music] everybody knows can’t BL the stars for shining can’t blame the births for flying can’t blame a guy for trying sure I fa but I had help I take a look at you say don’t blame it on you or falling in love with you anybody could see there is nothing I could do you just shot me that look and baby I was hooked it just worked out beautifully so don’t blame it on me took it slow played it smart thought that you would leave me with a broken heart when you jumped I followed you I jump without no parachute at this under room all these room it worked out beautifully blame it on you can call it desly don’t blame it on to me it was always meant to be don’t blame it on [Music]