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Good Morning America

Mike Love talks John Stamos being like family | GMA πŸ’–


hey John Stamos he’s very excited
because he’s going to be going out on
tour with you guys and I understand that
you and John you guys go way back to
your parents house we’re like family
because he’s been coming out since he
was Blackie on General Hospital he loves
nothing more than to play drums he and
his beautiful wife Caitlyn and their son
Billy oh man they they’re it’s it’s
beautiful when we’re together Billy
dressed up for a a career day in school
with a beach boy shirt on yeah oh it was
so sweet we saw that sweet but didn’t
way back when didn’t John used to ride
his bike past your parents house or
something he he told me that he he would
ride his bicycle past past my parents
house in Cypress California which was
Orange County where near where he lived
and look in the look in the uh window
and see the gold
albums you know

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