[Music] [Music] she might be R from poos L ears from anywhere goodbye owner cinnamon breath freedom in her hair she’s deep command [Music] even in the malibo and even when she’s in your she still no man so love her like a Mustang like a wild thing better let her run free if she wants to love you you let her love you you give her everything the fire in your chest the very last breath of the boy who’s unraveling the man who’s obsessed with the woman the girl the wide open World in Your Hands she’s no man [Music] land she’s purple hether on the high PL her heart’s a mystery you’re lucky if you get a glimpse of her rose hips on the Ws she’s said a on a sunet behind the Santa and a winds you can hold her for forever but she’s still no man land so love her like a Mustang like a wild thing better let her run free if she wants to love you you let her love you you give her everything the fire in your chair the very last breath of the boy who’s unraveling the man who’s obsessed with the woman the girl the wide open World in Your Hands she’s no man’s l [Music] so love like a must like a wild thing better let her run free if she wants to love you you let her love you you give her everything the fire in your chest the very last breath of the boy who’s unwrapping the man who’s obsessed with the woman the girl the wide open World in Your Hands she’s no man’s [Music] [Laughter] man she’s no man [Music] land she might be M mus from poos that years from anywhere goodbye owner cinnamon breath and freedom in her hair [Music]