hey girl hey girl who you looking at hey hey with the pretty act your word looking pretty flat latest room L room meet me in the back and I wait for you if you want me to I’ll wait for you if you trust me to you say I done this before Oh no W you even more well open open open open up your eyes oh all the ways through your [Music] thighs me I am not a [Music] woman I am not a man o I wait I am an [Music] Amit you comprehend let me show you what’s up listen to your [Music] body I’ll meet you in your [Music] Val kind of like girl on girl with me but but you want to touch my something like to touch and I’ll wait for you if you want me to I wait for you if you trust me too I’ll wait on you in the gentleman’s room I wait for you in the deep deep I already know what you would like me to do you don’t have to wear that dress he like or anything at all not the out [Music] J if you want me to trust me too I TR [Music] me hey girl [Music] he