2024 the year in mispronunciations from politics to pop culture some of the words related to this year’s hottest topics were often said incorrectly the language learning platform Babel along with the captioning group created a list of the most mispronounced words of 2024 here are some that made the list Zena the actress had to settle the confusion around her name that some people mispronounce as Zinda pop artist Chapel rone Rose to fame this year and some people struggled with her name a bit the common error noted was that people pronounced it incorrectly as Chappelle Rowan and in politics land vice president KLA Harris she addressed this during her run for president and her great nieces help set the record straight first you say comma like a common sentence Danny say la like la la la la la put it together and it’s 1 2 3 comma other key words this year included Sheen the online clothing store that often gets mistaken for shine or Sheen and simlu Tide the active ingredient in OIC that’s gained mainstream attention for its drastic weight loss effects