[Music] for drivers in Manhattan transportation is about to get pricier motorists entering the congestion relief Zone south of 60th Street will need to pay a toll during peak hours for small vehicles and vans $9 per day down from an earlier plan of $15 for trucks and buses between $14.40 and $21.60 riding a motorcycle $44.50 State leaders say the money will fill the mta’s $15 billion budget Gap paying for Subway improvements and new electric buses the plan will also help get at least 80,000 cars off city streets in June New York Governor Kathy hokel delayed the measure weeks before he took effect I have come to the difficult decision that implementing the plan congestion pricing system risk too many unintended consequences for New Yorkers at this time 5 months later hok revived the idea still lawsuits from opponents including New Jersey governor Phil Murphy poured in we’re not against uh lowering pollution uh we’re for that but there’s a time there’s a place there’s a deal that works for New Jersey commuters and ones that don’t and the MTA says that $9 daily toll will rise to $12 in 2028 and it will increase to $15 in 2031