[Music] after more than 5 years of reconstruction following a devastating fire that destroyed the cathedral nraam has risen From the Ashes here is a look at the key figures behind the restoration of the Paris icon 1163 marks the year when the first stone of the cathedral was laid a medieval Gothic Masterpiece notredam de Pari is one of the French capital’s most beloved and visited monuments its stunning stained glass windows and carved Stone gargo have long been celebrated in books and movies more than 840 million e that’s $882 million have been donated to restore the cathedral according to macron’s office there will even be leftover funds for further investments in the building 500 is the number of workers who have been present on site every day from Craftsmen skilled in stone and metal work to Carpenters Stained Glass artists and organ Builders they all have contributed to what president Emanuel macron called the project of a century 2000 is the number of pieces that make up the roof’s framework the oak came from centuries old trees and was forged together using medieval techniques 5 years is how long it took to restore the cathedral to its full all glory the stone and paintings which had blackened over time have been thoroughly cleaned Furniture has also been renovated or replaced officials say it will be more beautiful than ever and about 15 million is the number of visitors the cathedral is expected to welcome every year there is an ongoing debate in France over whether visitors should be charged for entry the church is against it and for now visiting remains free