oh man uh I got cooked my rookie here what you suck I I sucked I got put in the blender no we don’t believe that yeah no way brutal no I don’t bral we just have to stay disciplined even for myself I was very undisciplined and it’s just a chain it’s a chain reaction you let me catch my breath yall got to stop doing this we can’t catch our breath I don’t have enough testosterone but in this o I’m the boss she doesn’t get tired you see the way I run I just Sprint all the time Sprint I Sprint everywhere I Sprint in my apartment I Sprint I just Sprint I love sprinting you also found a way to get the crowd involved why are you laughing right now with is is live it’s weird being interviewed by you come on now and try to read the defense to the best of my ability and then once I get a hang of it it’s um it’s barbecue chicken from No She said we ate but we didn’t eat as hard as she does but I think we ate yeah all right thank you guys