the nurse’s office is actually right across the hall from my classroom so it was very convenient and Miss strain and I put Paige in a wheelchair and kept running down the hallway to the front while the nurse was calling 911 started off a normal school day Miss strain had text me and said that Paige was not feeling well and thought that she needed to go home so I replied send her home and then I was getting ready to Ty I send her to the doctor and Miss strain called and told me that Paige’s water broke so I just took off running down the hallway and Miss strain and I put Paige in a wheelchair and kept running down the hallway to the front while the nurse was calling 911 and then we were waiting for the ambulance at the front door and Paige was like this baby is coming and we were like no it can’t come yet and we didn’t have a choice so Paige ran into the bathroom Ashley ran in behind her I ran in behind Ashley Ashley caught a baby I started pumping the paper towels to have something to wrap the baby in um and then we were holding a baby in our hands I held the baby I told Ashley to start rubbing the baby’s chest so that she would start kind of moving around a little bit and um breathing until we could see her chest moving Ashley rubbed her chest wipped her face um and then from that point we just waited until firefighters and EMTs got here so within 10 minutes we had a water break and driving away in an ambulance so very fast all of the things were happening um at the front of our building away from classroom so there weren’t Kids in the Hall or anything like that we just went back with our day Ashley went back to teaching I went to lunch duty and we had a staff meeting at the end of the day after school so we just kind of continued on with our day baby weighed 2 lb and 9 oz 16 in is doing well she has to stay in the hospital for a little while longer just to make sure everything is still okay but as of right now she’s doing great the first words that we said that I said to her today when I walked out in the hallway and saw her I was like I can’t believe that happened and she said I know I can’t either