can we talk about Mean Girls Regina
George you’re just itching did you see
the new movie because I got to tell you
my husband interviewed Renee rap and
she’s obsessed with you oh I love her I
got to do a little bit I got to
introduce her on SNL which was amazing
and she’s incredible and and so I mean
she’s so young and so poised and so you
know I just she was awesome yeah but
look who else is awesome look at you I
mean you crushed what’s the quoted line
from that movie for
you uh fetch seems to come up in all
kinds of incarnations but someone just
asked me to put on a Mary Jane Play Bill
the other day can you write is butter a
carb on my Play Bill and I was like
these worlds colliding I was like
whatever you want sure
Rachel McAdams recalls her most-quoted lines from “Mean Girls” | GMA π»