war in Sudan between the country’s two most powerful generals has forced Millions to leave their homes and killed tens of thousands of people over the last 19 months when we arrived in Port Sudan the deao capital on the Red Sea reports emerged that militia men from the rapid support forces had killed at least 124 people for swapping sides in the conflict angering the population after overthrowing the Islamic dictator Omar al- bashier in 2019 Sudan was supposed to hold Democratic elections that is now a distant memory as proxy on both sides of the conflict multiply all of which are jocking for influence inside this strategic country on the Red Sea we arrived in Port Sudan to investigate the roles of these proxies in fueling the war and found widespread evidence through shipping data and interviews with Sudanese officials that Russia has become a key Ally of the Army in supplying weapons and fuel Iran which reestablished diplomatic ties with Sudan late last year has also been a key partner in supplying drones and weapons according to satellite images and interviews with Sudanese officials both Iran and Russia have asked Sudan for a military base on the Red Sea we spoke with many ordinary Sudanese people all of which said they’re fed up with outside influence in the war and appealed to countries with a role to sit down and negotiate a peace deal