over the last five six years Dojo was always one of those topics in the earnings call so shall I do it shall I not am I doomed not it was really going it it was a dance and I’ve actually done about six months ago a whole timeline of non-committal we would like to do it but we’re really not sure don’t bet on it Dojo is really not not not so clear yet this is the first time that Elon clearly said we actually have no choice we’re going to double down on it we’re going to do it and this is a fabulous news I think these AI companies need to be thoroughly analyzed in principle I love it I completely understand why it was a segregated entity from the start Elon re explained that yesterday those Engineers don’t want to be in a mega cap company they want to have all the upside of a small startup so it needed to be set up that way but also I fully understand that Tesla needs Gro needs all this input