I lost my
mind no one
noticed no one
noticed it’s getting more kind of like
if you call me all alone cuz I’m so over
being lonely May I have losted a virtual
connection I have losted my
obsession oh
tried to read my
eyes no one but
you wish it weren’t
true a I kind of like if you call me
this not right CU I’m so over
being make you my I need a viral
connection take
up be my
obsession come on don’t leave me it
can’t be that easy bab if you believe me
I guess I’ll get on a plane fly to your
city excited to see your face hold me
console me and then I’ll leave without a
Chase come on don’t leave me it can’t be
that easy babe if you believe me I guess
I’ll get on a plane fly to your city
excited to see your face hold me conso
me then I’ll leave without a tra come on
don’t leave me it can’t be that easy bab
if you believe me I guess I’ll get on a
plane fight too it’s lady excited to see
your face hold me cons me and then I’ll
give come on don’t leave me it can’t be
easy believe me I gu G
you City excited to see your face me
cons me and then I leave without a Chase
The Marías – No One Noticed (Visualizer) 😜