the onion doesn’t get to buy Alex Jones’s Infowars just yet here’s what you need to know Infowars was put up for sale as a part of a bankruptcy case courts had ordered Jones to pay nearly $1.5 billion over falsely calling the Sandy Hook shooting a hoax families of the school shooting’s victims had backed the onions bid but a federal judge in Texas rejected the auction sale saying that the bidding for the conspiracy theory platform was flawed the onion had planned to kick Jones out and relaunch infowar as a parody in January Ben Collins CEO of the onions parent company said that they were disappointed Ed but would continue to find a resolution that would help the Sandy Hook families get goat a positive outcome for the horror they endured Jones had set up another Studio websites and social media accounts in case the onion W the approval to buy Infowars the judge didn’t want another auction and left it up to the trustee who oversaw this auction to determine the next steps