why do you think this inevitably happened well I think because if you just follow everything he’s ever said during his career is it’s team first and I think individual Awards have never really mattered to coach belich I think it’s about winning championships I think it’s about chasing something bigger than himself could he have caught caught Don schula I’m sure he could have would he have felt good about it not if he didn’t win a championship so I think it was about that and winning a college national championship to add to a resume that’s incredible would be something that would be really enticing to him because it’s a team sport so I I think that and I think look the NFL landscape has changed dramatically when we both got in the league me at 84 him back in the 70s it’s a different League now there’s a lot of people there’s a lot of collaboration going on not sure it’s the right thing we have a lot of bad teams in the league but I think it’s hard to set up your program the way you want it in pro football