3 days before man cies what are you pregnant too oh my God I was so surprised she wanted me to take a pregnancy test with her but she already knew that she was pregnant did you take one without me n nuh I wanted to leave it up to Amanda because I know they’ve been trying for a really long time and I wanted her to have her moment but also my parents I knew their reaction would be hilarious if we told them at the same time cuz they were absolutely not expecting me to be pregnant my [Music] go my husband and I we’ve been married for 3 years and two months after we got married my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer he had chemotherapy and radiation um and all that we went to a fertility clinic and they said like they didn’t know if you’d be able to have kids when we told them like I think my mom just realized like all of that um at once that it’s pretty much pretty much a miracle [Music] my mom’s face looked a little bit horrified and she was mostly just concerned about my sister cuz um she had had a miscarriage with her when she was first pregnant before this baby and then she was extremely sick it was really rough I had about everything you could have in your pregnancy that you wouldn’t want to have this time I am still sick but I’m very thankful honestly that I have someone to sympathize with spraying through you so hard way [Music]