forget Sakura Samba and behold Brazil’s newest National icon a Vata Caramelo or literally a caramel trash can Tipper for decades these medium-sized muts roam Brazil streets undesired abandoned and overlooked but today these camelos are having a major moment exalted in a Netflix film Carnival parade and elsewhere camel’s Newfound cache speaks to the value of resilience in Brazil a multi-racial Melting Pot of 213 million people known for weathering Hard Knocks with a smile today many see Brazil’s mixed roots as a source of Pride embodied by The Humble Camelo Camelo will dominate the world has become a rallying cry and foreign allies are lending a hand after touring Brazil in November singer Bruno Mars posed with a Camelo in his viral farewell video and this American journalist adopted a Camelo of his own one might think that amid all this Camelo hype Brazilians would all be jostling to adopt one but at shelters Camelo are still passed over for smaller fluffier and whiter dogs the Netflix film and the carnival parade aim to transform Camelo Affinity into action