Donald Trump and KLA Harris sparred throughout their first debate with abortion providing some of the most dramatic moments of the night both candidates were talking over each other despite rules requiring that the mics remain muted when candidates weren’t speaking Trump declined to say whether he would veto a National Abortion ban while Harris refuted Trump’s claims that a return to Roby Wade protections would result in unrestricted third trimester abortions Trump began the debate attacking Harris’s record but was increasingly on the defense as the debate continues Harris landed a series of attacks that Trump struggled to respond to she called his tariff plans a national sales attacks meanwhile Trump defended his attacks on Harris’s race and downplayed his role in the January 6 2021 Insurrection at the capital Harris defended her reversals on fracking gun buyback programs decriminalizing border crossings and ending Private health insurance meanwhile Trump attacked her for the US border crisis the Afghanistan withdrawal and argued that Wars have broken out because of Biden and Harris’s leadership markets sent strong signals that the debate helped Harris’s odds of winning the candidates began the event getting near even odds in predicted market and ended with a seven-point split leaning towards Harris the debate was the only head-to-head encounter scheduled in the campaign but both candidates have expressed a desire to hold another debate before the November 5th election