hey GMA this is Venus Williams and this is ask me anything your notebook is called strive eight steps to find you’re awesome how did you find your awesome I found my awesome because of my family and they helped me to be who I am today thank God for them and the role models in my life too so all of that what are your loves outside of tennis I love dancing uh Escape rooms my puppy Harold uh I do like to travel I don’t I don’t like to stay in WR Place what’s the most awesome thing about going through your tennis Journey with your sister to be honest I can’t imagine not going through it with her I can’t imagine that other people play professional sports without a sibling because that’s my normal so I’m like how do you do it so I’m asking other people how do you not have a sibling that’s playing with you which is a weird way to look at it but just is what it is what’s something you learned about yourself in the process of writing this book I think I what I learn about myself is I can’t spell and I’m never going to be able to and thank God for spell check on every device what’s your favorite tennis movie of all time my favorite tennis movie of all time is actually an older one it’s a little mo it’s about this tennis star called Little Mo Marine Conley and it’s the old movie used to watch it growing up every year and it’s just such an amazing film but of course I could say King Richard but that wouldn’t be fair right throughout your very decorated career what have you learned about success and what do you want to share with women what I’ve learned about success is that happiness is the first thing happiness is the first measure of success if you’re not happy then you’re not successful so happiness has to be First Health has to be first and everything else follows after that and you can look back and say man I had a good time smile even when the times weren’t good you can look back and say yeah that’s a life woman your book is all about turning smart lifestyle Wellness choices into habits what’s something you Embrace if you never thought you would something I embrace that I never thought I would is not eating sugar I still think about it I’m a huge like sugar addict and I’ve been off of sugar for months now and I feel so much better to be honest and also like the mental anguish of like thinking about it all the time that’s gone so I never thought I’d be able to go you know clean but or cold turkey but it’s possible you can strive for anything who is your new book strive for I’ve been a professional athlete all my life and and all the lessons I’ve learned from it are just so appropriate for life I’ve used all those lessons in my life Strivers for everyone we talk about everything everything that involves Wellness relationships your relationship with yourself um how to move your body how to eat yes so strive is really for anyone who wants to find their awesome so that’s all the questions thank you guys for sending in I’ll see you next time