had a wellth thought out take you said for years I’ve been thinking that’s what you said for years I’ve been thinking we’ve been talking about this yeah you’re the greatest of all time the greatest Center of all time one of the toughest humans ever play football and obviously your resume is what it is on the football field so you’re allowed to say whatever the hell you want Travis if you want to hop into that whole train you can as well it’s the people that have never played football that decide to dunk on like kickers and punters and stuff like that that I’m like you need to relax this is why you did the uh the kge game date you’re starting to bring the fans up out of here for talking Jason do you think you can kick a field goal bingo I don’t know if my hips got me in it we might have to find this out get your Tims okay get your untied Tims yeah the old boot style just straight on but Jason I think you should maybe be on the side of kickers because I think it’s good for the sport no I am get your kicked and then you look over and the kickers are like playing a game they’re like kicking the ball like see how far they can kicking into a ring or something like God damn it these guys it’s really from a place of jealousy