who is Muhammad julani the Syrian Rebel who ended more than 50 years of Assad family rule in Syria after 13 years of Civil War and strife Bashar Al Assad’s grip on the country evaporated within a matter of days with the president flee to Moscow following a lightning Advance by the rebels at their heads Ahmed Shar better known by his non Muhammad Alani leader of a group known as HTS it’s the successor to the nusra front an affiliate of alqa and is still lab bu a foreign terrorist organization by the US and others he has suggested he’s a moderating force and to a certain degree has dissociated himself from his path the roots of his group’s Rebrand to HDs stay back to 2017 little is known of the 42-year-old’s journey to become an islamist fighter and he so far revealed little about himself yet alalani now finds himself at the center of Syrian politics have been commanded forces which seize control of Damascus Aleppo H and Ham an is believed to command about 15,000 Fighters with fighters from the turkey backed umbrella group known as the National Liberation Front also joining the HDs but Syria remains a deeply divided country with multiple armed factions following the overthrow of Assad the world is watching to see whether these despar groups can come together or if the power vacuum spells more trouble to come