I’m having to wind this right for the game eating that now if it’s a 1:00 game I wake up early and go to McDonald’s chicken m GLE two hash browns orange juice two piece six piece spicy and a son of a bacon later a good Lamb Chop c smiles on people’s faces I love lamb chops so much I probably I might raise sheep later on in life I’ll drink like a little bit of hot sauce before the game I did it once as a rookie just kind of trying to wake up just kind of almost like a smelling salt breakfast uh oning two waffles been doing that ever since I stepped footing in college as a freshman I’m eating at 9: like I’m probably going to have pasta on my plate I don’t like car blad and do a whole spaghetti bowling I used to do that back in the day I can’t do that anymore I’m 35 and above so I try to be clean just hydrate a lot I’ve always gone with h pasta and uh red meat steak it’s just chicken rice and broccoli or chicken rice and green beans it’s very plain I’m eating chicken breast brown rice and green beans something like that very Bland