I mean Wicked has done so well like you know box office wise but now award season I mean what would it mean for you for it to win Awards listen it’s the fact that the audience is accepting this and and and going to single alongs and dressing up and see people who’ve never gone in the movies before going to see the movie Never Love musicals before going to see music to me that’s the big reward I love being with our peers here celebrating I think the girls deserve it I think our crew deserves it but um but listen this is all icing on the cake uh we make m is too for the audience the energy literally is electric on this carpet everywhere you turn or people you look up to or heroes or people you just SE on television that you love characters that you’re like are they like that really it’s just a fun place to be and celebrate the work um we don’t you know this is all glamorous but this is not what making stuff is actually we’re usually in sweats uh alone in a dark room writing or editing uh so to actually like dress up and be here